Gallery CA proudly presents the first solo exhibition from Gallery CA resident artist and Baltimore Native, Perry Gross. Catharsis, co-curated by Perry Gross and Quentin Gibeau.
This body of work features branching forms made from discarded junk mail food coupons, suspended in a web of handwoven gauze made from industrial waste. The branching form is efficient for distribution and is a motif present in nature. This architecture in our bodies, our circulatory system, and nervous systems is used to distribute food and information. What we give our bodies shapes the way our systems develop and can be the cause of disease. The choices our predecessors make, such as ingesting toxic food, drugs, or alcohol, resonate in our own bodies. This artwork serves as a poignant reflection on the profound influence of parental decisions, and the exploitative systems in which we are forced to live —- harm, waste, and neglect for the sake of profit, and the continuing toll that this extractive system has on our society. The artwork asks the viewer, why?
About the Artist:
Perry Gross is a multimedia fiber artist based in Baltimore, specializing in weaving. Her work blends the knowledge of natural and found materials with holistic medicine, creating a juxtaposition with the realities of the world we live in. Her medium and process involve repetitive movements and extensive time duration, often spent meditating at a loom. This process creates space to work through thoughts and emotions and find strength from within herself to push forward in a world that seems not to be built for those who inhabit it. Perry would like viewers to ponder the injustices of the world, while also finding an escape in the beauty of the colors and forms.