UH-OH: A WHOOP DEE DOO THING, which was co-presented by the Contemporary Museum, Station North Arts & Entertainment, Inc. and Gallery CA, was the result of a resident with Kansas City-based arts collective, Whoop Dee Doo. In Baltimore, Whoop Dee Doo worked with various youth groups, community organizations, artists and otherwise to orchestrate a full-scale faux public access television show that featured the local talents of Mourine Supartha, Charm City Cakes, Towson University Rhythm Step Team, Muse 360 and Prem Raja Mahat among others. The show was set in Andegaar, the greatest place in the world under the reign of Queen Jumbo and King Loaf, and aired live on Thursday, April 27, 2012. The installation remained in the gallery with performance footage airings until June 1, 2012. (Photo Credit: Megan Mantia & Piper Watson)